Miriam Makeba

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Miriam Makeba - Homeland

Una delle leggende viventi nella musica mondiale, "Mama Africa" ritorna con un nuovo magnifico album.

PUTU 164-2

pata pata 2000
'cause we live for love
africa is where my heart lies
in time

Miriam Makeba è uno dei tesori musicali dell'umanità, avendo guadagnato fama internazionale con i dischi e le performances dal vivo e come un'importante figura nel movimento dei diritti umani in Africa e olte. È stata costetta a trascorrere gran parte della sua carriera lontana dalla sua terra dopo un appassionante discorso anti-apartheid alle Nazioni Unite nel 1963.

Makeba è stata una delle stelle del jazz sudafricano negli anni 50. Swing, rhythm & blues e le grandi jazz band hanno avvolto il sudafricano come una temepesta, dando vita a un potente movimento jazz che contribuito alla fondazione della musica popolare del Sud Africa. Nei loro tentativi di interpretare la musica che ascoltavano nelle registrazioni provenienti dall'America, i musicisti delle township incorporarono la loro influenza, dando vita a uno stile originale e vivace che divenne noto come Marabi.

Makeba guadagnò notorietà nel 1954 come vocalist protagonista per i Manhattan Brothers, no dei più polari quartetti maschili. Presto li lasciò per fondare gli Skylarks, un gruppo di voci completamente femminile e girò per il Sud Africa come componente di un noto show di varietà. Ma il suo grande salto arrivò nel 1959, quando fu la protagonista femminile del musical King Kong. Proprio quando stava diventando un nome familiare nella sua terra, Makeba partì per gli Stati Uniti, cantando dal vivo con Harry belafonte e altri. La sua canzone "Pata Pata" divenne un successo internazionale nel 1967, diventando la prima canzone musicale africana a scalare la classifica dei 10 dischi più venduti negli USA.

L'attenzione di Makeba ai diritti umani e alla giustizia sociale le ha riservato grandi onori e il riconoscimento di leader umanitaria in tutto il mondo. Makeba ottenne il permesso di ritornare in Sud Africa nel 1990, e fu accolta da Nelson Mandela e altri leaders del movimento anti-aparthied per la sua lotta in esilio.


"Masakhane (Let’s Build Up One Another)" is a call for unity and hope in the post-apartheid era. Makeba calls upon the people of South Africa to work together to build the nation and ensure a better future for all.


Ngiwu ambe umhlaba wonk ba
Ngaze ngaba tshela ngo sizi ebesinalo
Silubonile nosizo lwabe zizwe
Sithi enkosi, enkosi siyabonga
Siyabonga, rea leboha

Enkosi bantnbomntanami
Ibonakel, imi sebenze yenu
Sibabonile be didizela
Ngo June sixteenth 1976
Sengi buyele mna sengibuyile khaya

Kwasi kwamnand, ekhaya we vumanibo
He mn He mn He mn

Mina ku mele ngakhiwe nguwe
Wena wakhiwe yimi
Thina sonke masakhane
Yebo masakhane yebo masakhane

Enkosi bo mama bomthandaze
Izwakel, imi thandazo yenu
Ngoba thina sinjenje sinjenjenje

Enkosi zinkokheli, enkosi bafundis
Bethu sithi ngo Babu Sisulu,
Enkosi Babu Thambo, Enkosi
Enksoi Madiba

Woh siyabonga John Dube,
Siyabonga Babulu Tuli,
Siyabonga Bhutaleze





Somehow in the way
Like a footstep in the snow
You will realise, then you will go

Amaliya not a baby no
Amaliya don’t you see
Amaliya you are a woman

So divine
Ayo senga so
Ayo wo
Ayo senga so

My love in the night
Sail away far away
It’s with yesterday’s true wisdom
You will conquer, you’ll break away

Amaliya not a baby no
Amaliya don’t you see
Amaliya you are a woman
So divine

Ayo senga so
Ayo wo
Ayo senga so

Don’t you know how beautiful you are
You’re divine
You are a woman
You’re divine


pata pata 2000 (Duet with Zenzi Lee)



Saguguka sathi beka
Saguguka sathi beka
Saguguka sathi beka
Saguguka sathi beka

Yi yo mama yiyo mama
(Nantsi, pata pata)
Yi yo mama yiyo mama
(Nantsi, pata pata)

'cause we live for love



The morning sun shines full of laughter
Waking up, all walks of life
Shining on love he says
It’s a brand new day
Give all the warmth you can away

Open your hearts
For our children and the universe
To love and hold
Embracing the good
In those who feel they must give of themselves
‘Cause we live for love
And love lives through all

The evening star (shines on) each person
With a sparkle of light and a smile
Touching the hearts for all to feel
The presence of love, for it’s real!

Open your hearts
For our children and the universe
To love and hold
Embracing the good
In those who feel they must give of themselves
‘Cause we live for love
And love lives through all

Let the rainbow rain showers on you
Raining down, all colours for all
Sowing seeds and dreams of the future
A though of love and peace forever more

Open your hearts
For our children and the universe
To love and hold
Embracing the good
In those who feel they must give of themselves
‘Cause we live for love
And love lives through all

‘Cause we live for love through love



The song "Liwawechi" is of Congolese origin and is sung in the language Lingala. It is a lament for a popular young soccer player who died at the height of his fame.


Who who who who who who
Who who who
Sango ya ma Sango ya ma
Iwa cheya tiki biso
Nampa sins mote ema
Sango ya koka kite
Peti lansoure A tiki bisouye
Who who who who Iye
U who ya who ya who ya who ye

Liwawechi lansoure
Bako yanso baka mwakanay
Who who I wechi wehe


lindelani (Featuring Lokua Kanza)



My Lindelani
Listen to the bird song
You’ll hear the voice
Of love smiling at you

My little treasure
I can see the whole world
Just in your eyes
With peace shining above

Elembo na kati ya butu
Eza komema
Masolo ya kimia

Bandeke pe ba koya
Po na koloba ba
Ete Lindelani lala

My Lindelani!
If there is a cloud
Dance under the rain
With faith smiling at you

Sleep under the stars
And remember this lullaby
From my heart to your heart
With only tenderness





Now that those days are gone
I will spend each day with only
joy in my heart
Through many times I’ve cried
I’ll always find the strength
to wipe the tears
From my eyes

I remember those days
I prayed to come home
And I know that someday I’d be here

Memories of days gone by
When I felt so alone
In the end all that matters is I’m home

Ngai nazongi I
Mboka na ngai
Po na seko

Ngai nazongi I
Mboka na ngai
Kino liwa

If you ever feel this way
Think about my story how
it came to play
My heart is beating fast
Finally today
Now at last I’m home


"Umhome" tells the tale of a young bride who moves in with her new family. She is joined by her cousin to help with the transition. The groom soon falls for the cousin, leaving the bride rejected. She cannot return home and shame her family, so she sits on a rock and cries while singing about her dilemma.


Singi dsinga ne mhome ylelababe
Batshi ngilele ngonini jsiya
Yaze yangi nyandsela
Lemphekeleteli jsheya ohm
Yela babe jshiyaye ohm

Batshi ngilele engonini jsiya ohm
Sengi dshinganemhome jsiya ohm
Aku sho mne kusho stonlolo
Sangaye kane jshiya ya ohm
Jshiya ete ela babe jshiyaye
Hm hm mhm

Wo wo wo wo wo hm
Jshiyayi ya oh oh mm
Jshiyayi ya oh oh mm

africa is where my heart lies



A picturesque sunset lights up the sky
A magical moment of light passing by
Romantic rhythms that beat through the night
Mother nature’s gift for you and I
Oh! Oh!
Africa is my hope

Don’t you know that home is
Where my heart lies
Across the ocean
Into the African skies
Through the hills and valleys

Over the mountains
Africa, is where my heart lies

A new day dawns upon our land
Breathing life for the creation of man
Holding treasures of beauty given for all
The African dream. that touches the soul
Of all
Our motherland, our home

This is where I’ll stay
The birthplace of my heart


in time



In time we get older
In time we get mellow
I never once
Ever changed my mind
About the things I wanted
In my life
I’ve been through changes
Like anyone else
My heart’s been broken
Put on a shelf
Now the light shines in
A wounded heart
Will heal

In time, broken hearts
Will mend again
God always answers one’s prayers
No matter how hard we fall

I love my children
More than anything in life
And time’s moving on
Soon they’ll lead separate lives
Wanting no heartache
Only seeking love
And if? It’s God’s way
Of teaching lessons in life

His guiding light is love
Now I know
What I’ve been searching for
I’ll never give up
I’ll let the light shine in



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Copyright © 2000 Cose dell'Altro Mondo
Aggiornato il: 25 June 2000